Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hello everyone!!!
Alot of things happens recently and I am going to summarize it today!
Firstly,Grats the basketball girls from getting the national champion!
The semi final was thrilling and they owned dunmen at the final!
Secondly,Good luck everyone taking their Mid year examinations!!
Third,Today I bought a new basketball with jack and wei pyng even though wei pyng only contribute $1 LOL
The basketball cost $69 and me and Jackson split half half
It was a nice basketball and we had fun playing it
Lastly,Recently I have been watching another new anime series called Working!!
It is a funny anime that is almost like lucky star with lots of talking and joking
For people who are bored or are in a bad mood,this is an anime for you!
English exam was hard today lol
Yosh,I've come to the end of today's post
Oh ya,I've added new songs!It's from Angel Beats!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Angel Beats!

Hello everyone!
I'm here for a new post!
Recently I've been playing cabal >.<
Need to start on some anime,practice guitar and study!
Speaking of anime,I'm currently watching Angel Beats
It's a nice anime but the concert loses to The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya =P
It is still ongoing and has only reaches episode 3
Well,the whole anime ends at episode 13...
Wonder how are they going to end this as till episode 3,they are just done with intro and getting to know the charaters
I think it's worth the rate of 4.5/5 so I think I will rate it after few more episodes!
And I got a feeling that this anime will be in part of my top 10 anime ranking so I guess either one of the rank 9 or 10 is going to rank 11
There are still lots of anime waiting for me to watch...hmm which anime should i watch next since I'm waiting for the next episode of Angel Beats...
Da capo? Tokyo magnitute 8.0? Full metal alchemist?
Lots and lots of anime i have not watch yet!
Oh ya! There's still one more anime I'm watching and that is Kiss x Sis
The series is not echii haha
Well thats all for today!
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Haruhi movie!

Hello everyone!
The disappearance of haruhi suzumiya is finally here!
It's a movie on the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
It's a great movie and it was quite long that i do not have much time to train on my cabal =P
This story is just like a continue part of the the series and it reveals some "secret" that has never been told in the series!
Still have not watched the series yet? Go and watch it now!

K-ON! season 2 has also been released but the 1st episode it quite boring though
But I still can't wait for the next episode to be released!

I'm gonna head to bed early tonight cus tomorow I have to go to the cemetary to pray!
Good bye everyone!
Thanks for reading!