Saturday, August 7, 2010

Schecter S-1 Zacky Vengeace!

Hello everyone!
I'm here again to write on a short post to prevent my blog from dying =D
Yesterday's inter class soccer was not bad...
Gotten 2nd placing
But I'm not that happy though haha

There are alot of anime to watch recently but I'm not really in a mood to watch anime cause i'm addicted to guitar now!
Yes! I have just gotten my dream guitar schecter S-1 recently and it is sooooooo beautiful and cool!
The colour,shape,sound and everything is nice

It's 4 days of holiday including today but I'm not so excited about it cause after the hoiliday....prelim is here...
I hate tests and exams it is so boring
I hope MOE could just allow students to bring mp3 without recording system and listen to songs during exam so that students would not be so stress and bored

Okay thats all for today post
Going to coat my guitar pickup and buy oil and stuffs for my guitar
Studying tonight with nic tee